Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Upcoming Narrative Salons

I should really start posting our monthly narrative salons on this website.  Here's a bit of what we've done since December:

We had a couple meetings where we watched and discussed Michael White's video on trauma.

Jill Freedman has a creative approach to case consultation that we tried out and loved.

Will Sherwin and Julia Wallace presented on a few of the workshops we went to for the TC X conference in Vancouver:  Walter Bera's Narragram, narrative grief work, and Stephen Madigan's approach to crafting questions.

Photo by Will Sherwin
Our next two meetings are going to be:

July 10, 7-9pm - We will be watching and discussing video of Stephen Madigan doing narrative therapy.

August 7, 7-9pm - David Page will be showing us his library and presenting on some topic yet to be decided.

Send me an email if you'd like to join us!

Will Sherwin, MFT